Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Anita Renfroe Sums It Up

Here's a quick pick-me-up. I'm not sure whether it's more comforting or exhuasting, but it's wonderfully funny, and there's not a mom among us who can't relate. Take a look, then come right back: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=anSpBUxsgAU

I saw Anita Renfroe at Women of Faith last November, and she was hilarious. She is a gifted comedienne and musician and uses these talents to spread the gospel in a refreshing and inviting way. She makes me think, "If people knew how much fun we have being Christians, everyone would want to be one!"

I must admit, though I laugh out loud watching this "Momsense" video (and gape in amused wonder and awe throughout), I literally choke up at the end when those hundreds of women in the audience leap to their feet in wild applause. Why is that? How can something so funny make me teary?

I think it's because Anita's material (this and a wealth of other songs and sketches) is so true and insightful that it's a downright relief to hear her verbalize it. And the laughter it incites is like a cork popping, allowing our bottled up stress and emotions to escape. It's as if we're so hungry to know we're understood and we're not alone. In the home we spend so much time trying to wade through motherhood, feeling isolated in its challenges and frustrations. Outside the home we want everyone to think we've got this parenting thing down, or we assume everybody else is breezing along with no problems, so we avoid sharing experiences lest we be judged, by ourselves or others. What's often missing, I believe, is good ole girlfriend-style intimacy. And it's so refreshing when we find someone like Anita Renfroe who obviously relates to us and, as a bonus, does so with humor.

I've rented one of Anita's older videos from Netflix, and it was pretty good - I think her newer stuff is even better. Whenever I see her, in person or on video, I'm so entertained and inspired I think, "We should bring her to Vero." But planning such an event is overwhelming to me. Today I happened across a comment on YouTube in which a woman suggested having a woman's function at church and sharing a video and fellowship. Now that's more like it! Perhaps we could do a dessert night or some such occassion at Trinity or in someone's home and enjoy some social time and a few laughs. Anybody up for it? For more info on Anita Renfroe, visit her website at http://www.anitarenfroe.com/.


sally spires said...

i think anita and i have the same glasses...God love her.....

Anonymous said...

Once I finally looked at my emails I found the site. I'm learning.

eleanor@knittinginflipflops said...

Good for you, Kathy! I'm trying to keep up with current technology for the sake of my kids, and you're right there with me! Next thing you know you'll be text messaging!