"The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom, and knowledge of the Holy One is understanding." Proverbs 9:10 (NIV)
What exactly does it mean to fear God? Here's what I think it means...
I could listen to that song over and over again (and I have!), and I believe it offers an excellent illustration for this week's lesson. In my own words, to fear God is to acknowledge who he is and thus be appropriately filled with awe and respect and reverence for his power and majesty and perfection and love...I could go on and on.
In this time and place it is so easy to take our focus off God. In our day to day lives, marked by busyness and materialism and worry and competition, we tend to forget God's sovereignty, instead vainly attempting to wrest control for ourselves. Self-sufficiency and success are measures of value in this secular world. There's a certain holier-than-thou arrogance that pervades our culture, as if our money and education and technology qualify us for god-like status. But in truth we are but dust compared to the greatness of the One True God.
As soon as I took a look at Job 38 this week, I knew God was after me for something, because I immediately realized that this was the OT reading just this past Sunday at church. I've learned that when God repeats himself he's trying to get my attention!
To summarize the four chapters Job 38 to 41, God is basically saying to Job (speaking from a storm no less), "Who do you think you are? Why don't we take a moment and compare resumes." Obviously, Job's pales in comparison, and he admits, "Surely I spoke of things I did not understand, things too wonderful for me to know." (Job 42:3) But note there's no sense of oppression here, and even while God puts Job in his place, he does so without demeaning him or undervaluing his worth. Job experiences an "Aha" moment here. He continues, "My ears had heard of you but now my eyes have seen you." (Job 42:5) I can relate to that so well. It reminds me of my memory verse from a few weeks ago: "Then Jesus told him, 'I have come to judge the world. I have come to give sight to the blind and to show those who think they see that they are blind.'" (John 9:39 NLT) We can think we know someone or something but only really be scratching the surface, and it will always be like this with God. "Now we see but a poor reflection as in a mirror; then we shall see face to face. Now I know in part; then I shall know fully, even as I am fully known." (1 Corinthians 13:12)
Turn your thoughts to God, and worship Him in thought, word and deed. "Charm is deceptive, and beauty is fleeting; but a woman who fears the LORD is to be praised." (Proverbs 31:30)
Once again, if you have the time, the audio provides some additional commentary (scroll down to 2/17/04), although you can skip over the handful of worship songs interspersed throughout - all you can hear is the piano, unfortunately.
As I close today, let me say that I am humbled and encouraged by the comments posted to this study thus far. You ladies are really taking this seriously, and your reflections are full of wisdom and value. I pray God continues to work through this blog and the study guide to reveal himself more and more to each of us. Any time spent in the Word is of value, and when we share our insights and discoveries with each other that value is multiplied as only God can do.
Now I know there are at least ten of us who bought the book, and I hope even if you're not commenting that you're finding the time to do the study on whatever time table works for you over the summer. I'm finding that though the lessons themselves can be worked through relatively quickly, the food for thought that is provided therein is bountiful and there is lots to "chew on" and ponder with the Lord.
I'm trying to keep to a regular schedule and finding that I really have to plan ahead (against my nature). I'll be on the road a couple days next week (have Macbook will travel!), but I'll make every attempt to keep up with the weekly lessons.
Grace and peace to you,
Romans 12:2
CJ Mahaney’s Christmas Book List 2017
7 years ago
1 comment:
This week left me feeling like I am way too wrapped up in myself and the things of this world and that I am forgetting the big picture! God is and always should be my first focus. What a reminder it was to listen to the song you posted and try and fathom God's power and wisdom.
I think that seeing the different definitions of the word fear in my Bible has also helped me to understand when I hear people say that one should fear the Lord. It is the awe part that has been missing. Realizing my limits and God's greatness is a very freeing thing. Question 4 talked about fearing people. I do make this mistake, about fearing what others will think or do. It creates anxiety and leads to actions that are not healthy. But, remembering that we are all just people so small in comparison to His greatness....AND that He loves me so much and wants me to live the life He planned for me...it is just freeing. Now if I can just put that into practice all the time instead of when it hits me over the head like here in the Proverbs study.
I have also started thinking about the women that God has placed in my life. These women have more experience in life, with their older children and in their walk with God. This summer, I have not been with this group of women, and I truly miss their 'unofficial' mentoring. But, even as these mentors have not been around in the physical sense, I realize I can call upon their words and actions when I am in a situation with which I struggle. I believe God has placed these women in my life to help guide me through their strong relationship with Him. (That may not make much sense, so sorry if it is rambling).
Jumping back to question 2 in the guide, I really love the list of characteristics of people who love and fear the Lord. Wow! To embrace these characteristics is to live a contented life rich in love, humility and faithfulness. Looking to God for the meaning of our lives instead of looking around us in the world for our meaning is a significant difference. It is also hard for me to do, but through these readings, I can see that it is a much better way to live... full of peace and true purpose. I will definitely be reviewing this section of the study when I feel I am veering off course a bit!
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