Thanks to Sally for forwarding this clipping to me. Things like this always affirm my role as a parent, reminding me that I have God-given authority and responsibility over my children. It's not my job to make them "happy" and keep them perpetually entertained, it's my job to raise them in accordance with God's commands.
Last year I read the book "Six Secrets to a Powerful Quiet Time: Discovering Radical Intimacy with God" (Catherine Martin, Harvest House). During this "30-day journey", I was challenged to articulate a life verse and a life goal. I had long ago adopted Romans 12:2 as my life verse: "Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God's will is; His good, pleasing and perfect will." From this verse came my life goal: "To be swept along in the will of God, rather than being swept away by culture and circumstances." Oh, but it is so easy to be swept along, isn't it? But I am always encouraged by items like the one above, which remind me to look further ahead than the moment or the hour or the day. To draw my confidence from the Lord and His plan for me and my children. To seek first His kingdom and not worry so much about earthly things.

"Lord, love my children through me. Guide me and strengthen me to be the mother you intend for my children. Let me surrender to your will day by day and hour by hour, for I know full well that your with you I can do all things. Not by might or human power, nor by yelling or muttering or playing a martyr, but by Thy Spirit, Lord. Let me not become critical, but rather discerning. Let me not attempt to control my children, but rather entrust them to you and teach them your truth. Protect them, Lord, and do mighty works through them. Amen."